How to Sew a Toothpaste Carrier

I’ve been using Arm & Hammer Advance White Brilliant Sparkle Toothpaste for well over a month now and am very happy with the results.  I like the more natural flavor and the smooth clean teeth feeling it leaves after brushing.

I especially love how the baking soda in the toothpaste knocks out bad breath.  A few weeks ago we were spending a day of fun and activities with my husband’s family.  For lunch, my sister-in-law served an amazing bruschetta with goat cheese, tomatoes and lots garlic as an appetizer.  I ate second helpings… but wanted to keep everyone at arm’s length for the rest of the day thanks to garlic breath. If only I had my baking soda toothpaste with me.

It got me thinking that a little toothpaste/brush carrier would be a perfect project, not only for my purse, but to use on trips or for my kids to take on sleepovers.  I usually store my toothpaste and toothbrush in plastic bag when I go on a trip, but the bag gets so gross by the end.  This little carrier is easily kept clean and it looks so much nicer than a plastic bag.

The toothbrush carrier I made today is for my girls, to go with their Night Owl Bags.  I can hardly wait to make one for me!

This project takes no time at all to make- 30 minutes or less.

You will need:

  • 1 yard of ribbon of your choice- 1 inch wide or less
  • masking tape can be helpful (since you can’t pin laminated fabrics without putting holes in the fabric)

Here’s how to make your carrier:

Start by cutting off your selvages.  (Be sure to cut off all the unlaminated fabric on the selvage ends.)

Cut your fabric in half so you have two rectangles approximately 9″ x 21″.

Place right sides together and stitch around the rectangle using a 1/4 inch seam, leaving a 3 inch opening on one side.

Clip the corners.

Turn right side out.

Use a chopstick to push the corners to a neat point.  Go around all the seams and finger press.  If needed you can press your fabric using a pressing cloth placed on top of the laminated fabric.  Be careful, if your fabric comes in contact with the iron it’s toast.  For this project, I did not use an iron, finger pressing was enough for me.

Top stitch all the way around to finish the edges and to close the opening.

Fold one end up 5 inches.  You can use a small piece of masking tape to hold the fold in place.  Stitch down the right side on top of seam.  Be sure to backstitch at the top.

Fold ribbon in half and tape into place on the left side just below the top of the fold.  Stitch down side seam, being sure to backstitch at the top.

You have now formed a large pocket.

To divide the pocket into organized sleeves, measure approximately 2- 3/4 inches in from the right side.  Mark your line using a washable marker.  The washable marker wipes off easily, so be careful not to touch until you’ve stitched down the line.

Stitch down marked line. Backstitch at the top.  Wipe off the marker line.  This pocket is the perfect width to fit my Arm & Hammer Toothpaste.

From the stitched line, measure over approximately 1- 3/4 inches and mark another line for your toothbrush pocket. Stitch down line and backstitch at the top.

These divider pockets can be custom sized to fit your toothbrush and toothpaste tube.

You are finished.  The larger pocket is perfect for slipping some floss sticks into.

To roll it up, fold down the top.

Roll it up and tie the bow.  Trim the ribbon as necessary and it’s good to go.  No more getting caught with bad breath!

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This is a sponsored post for Church & Dwight Co., Inc, the maker of ARM & HAMMER branded products, who is paying me to try different products. Sign up for a free sample of Advance White Brilliant Sparkle Toothpaste. And then head over to The Switch & Save Challenge to keep up with all of the bloggers and enter to win $25,000.


  1. Thanks for the tutorial. I haven’t seen the laminated fabric in 44″ wide, but would sure like to find some. I’ll keep looking. My whole life I had a pretty severe canker problem. I started using Arm and Hammer toothpaste years ago. I has saved me. I love Dental Care!

  2. I love love love this idea. I also have always kept my toothbrush in a plastic bag on trips. You’re right it gets so gross. I am going to make one for each member of the family. If I start now I could have them done for christmas stocking stuffers with a tube of toothpaste and a new brush which they get any way. Thanks so much for always sharing your terrific ideas.

  3. I think this is an excellent and useful project. It would also be nice to pack in my children’s overnight bag when they have sleepovers at grandma’s. Thank you for creating and sharing.

  4. I just started sewing last year and thought this was a great project to try. I have never sewn with laminated fabric. I found that the fabric got stuck under my presser foot. A quick google search suggested I use a teflon coated foot or to sew with a length of wax paper between the foot and the material and then to tear the paper off. Since I didn’t have a teflon foot lying about, I tried the wax paper and it worked awesome (no pulling and buckling of the material). I thought others might appreciate this suggestion. Thanks for a fun project!

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