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Archive for the ‘sew it’ Category

Pickledish Progress

The pickledish blocks from my Bees Knees Bee partners have been arriving in the mail.  Thank you Bee friends!  It’s so fun when your packages arrive.

This quilt is going to be so awesome!

I’ve had multiple requests to share the revised arc template that I created from Aneela Hooey’s original free template.  The lines I added made the paper piecing much easier for me.

I contacted Aneela and she graciously gave permission for me to share the template here.  You can download it by clicking here.  You can find the rest of the templates to make Aneela’s pickledish and her wonderful tutorials on her blog comfortstitching.


The last few weeks I have taken a small break from blogging. I’ve hardly even turned on my computer!  It’s been an important and busy time with my family.  And I am wiped out!  As if to make sure I knew it was time to take a break, yesterday I woke up with a summer cold.  Don’t they just seem wrong in the summer?

It’s funny how sometimes blessings come in disguise.  Last week my husband was driving on the freeway, passing several semi-trucks.  Suddenly a tire tread was hurling through the air and slammed hard into his car.

Despite it being just a tread, it caused close to $4000 in damage- luckily covered by insurance.  I was so grateful the damage was just his car and that he was unscathed.

This week his car is in the shop, and I am stuck at home, since he needs my car to get to the office.

Where we live, there are not many places you can just walk to.

No place to go, nothing really important do- it’s just the break I needed.  So it might be going too far to call my husband’s little car accident a blessing, the silver lining isn’t too bad after all.

I think I’ll stay in my PJ’s today.  I think I’ll take the cover off my sewing machine and do a little quilting.  Later we’ll try making popsicles in our new popsicle maker, which was a gift from a friend.  The kids want to make creamsicles… but I think we should start off easy, like making lemon pops.

I’ve got lots of notes to write, which I look forward to.

And a few little projects to make.  This fabric is for a car seat canopy cover for my new baby niece due in a few weeks.  I can hardly wait to meet her.

This is for a new table topper for my kitchen.  I love this fabric!  It’s a Lecien Old New.

It’s going to be an old-movie-pajama-cup-of-lemon-honey-tea kind of day.  And speaking of old movies, have any of you seen the old Scarlet Pimpernel with Jane Seymour?  It was recently re-released and I am very tempted to buy it.  I just hope it’s as good as I remember… or is it just that I was really young that last time I saw it?

Have a lovely day my friends.  I hope you get to do something today that refills your cup too.


Virtual Quilting Bee