Make it Do Witch’s Cauldron


Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. – William Shakespeare

It’s getting spooky around here… and the little witches love it.  Even though she can hardly see above the rim of the cauldron.

I always look forward to decorating for Halloween… and I love that many Halloween decorations don’t have to cost much, if anything at all.

This spooky cauldron is easy and inexpensive to create.  I happened to already have everything I needed.


I started with an old twiggy wreath.  It used to hang on my front door long ago.  It’s the perfect first layer for the cauldron.  You could even make a twiggy wreath by wiring twigs to a metal form available at most craft stores.


Next use a couple of pieces of colored tissue paper to make the flames.


Place heat proof bowl into the center of the wreath on top of the tissue paper.  Place a strand of Christmas lights into the bowl, make sure all the lights are in the bowl and will not come in contact with the tissue.  Those lights get hot, and you don’t want a real fire!  It works great to keep the lights bundled up. Plug an extension cord into the lights and run it out the back.


Next comes the cauldron.  This is a copper colored plant container.  You can also use a black canning pot or a dutch oven.

Every Halloween, I make homemade Root Beer or Swamp Juice with dry ice served right out of the cauldron…  Doesn’t that look like a real fire?  When it’s smoking… I almost think I’m a real witch.   Maybe the owl carrying my letter to Hogwarts got lost in a storm over the Rockies.


Hopefully the owl for my kids will have better luck.


    • Oh man, that’s so hard… it just seems too easy to say “Let it be Gryffindor then!” But I must say that. Who would want to be anywhere besides there? With Fred and George to make you laugh, and Hermione to help with homework, and of course Harry himself, what more could you hope for?

  1. Oh I absolutely love this! I’ve been trying to figure out how I was going to have a cauldron without buying one that costs a bundle or a cheap plastic one and now I have an idea for a silver bucket thingy that would be great! Thanks so much!

  2. This is soooo cool. I have been wanting to find a decent looking cauldron for a couple of years now. Bought a cheap one that won’t last too long, but this is great. Thanks for the really great idea.

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