Job Charts and more

Since summer vacation started over a week ago, I have been trying to update the kid’s job charts.

My husband and I have discussed long hours whether or not to give an allowance.  How many jobs should the kids have?  What is the best way to structure their responsibilities?  How can I take the pressure off of me to enforce jobs, and give the responsibility to the kids?

We have finally settled on a few new updates to our current job chart system.  Since it’s summer, I’ve added another row of responsibilities in the form of weekly jobs.  For Ben who is 9, that means on Saturday, he will help dad mow the lawn.  The kids also do things like helping to clean the bathrooms or dust the living room.

Since we have our vegetable garden in cedar garden boxes which are 4′ x 6′, the kids each have their own garden box they are responsible for.  They helped plant the vegetables in that box, are responsible for weeding and helping to fertilize.

We’ve also added “Allowance Jobs” to our charts.  This consists of jobs on a list, such as:

  • Dust the floorboards
  • Wash the walls
  • Put away clean silverware from the dishwasher
  • Water the garden pots
  • Sweep the kitchen floor
  • Help clean out the refrigerator
  • Help cook dinner

These are just a few of the items for which they can earn allowance.   To earn allowance jobs, they need to finish their regular jobs on time and without complaint.

All in all, my husband and I are very happy with this compromise.  The kids still have the responsibilities that come from being members of our family.  But they also get the chance to earn some pocket change, and learn about managing money.

Paying out the allowance is another hurdle for me.  I never have cash on hand… especially in the exact right amount to pay out what is needed.

The solution came when I stumbled across another blog a few days ago called the The Idea Room.

She created a checkbook register for her kids and generously shares the template for free.

I downloaded the template and made the kids each a register yesterday.

I love the little owl paper.

And a peek inside, which we are yet to begin filling in.  I love that the system helps the child put part of their earnings into savings, and part to a charitable donation.

Then they can make withdrawals as needed for the rest.

The kids really are excited about the system and so am I.  Which bodes well for it working.

One other system that you may want to look at, if you are working on implementing your own job chart system is,  My friend just set it up for her kids, which is free and online.  I can’t wait to see how it goes for her.


  1. We have always had pretty much the same systym for our kids and it’s workrd well.
    They have to do regular everyday things with no pay but have jobs to earn money. As they get older, the jobs are more challenging but is also more money.
    We pay them twice a month and here is how their money breaksdown….
    10% tithing
    20% in the bank
    20% save for a rainy day in thier own banks
    50% they can spend on what they would like to…after consulting with us and approval. We are thier financial advisors!

    Being able to have money to spend keeps them motivated to earn more…but not spending it all (the 20% rainy day) also helps so that they don’t run out before next pay day.

    I always keep track on paper but I am forever revising charts. I like the one you showed…thanks for the links!
    You are a great mom…keep up the good work.

  2. I was thinking that helping cook the dinner should not be a chore but a treat–working with Mom, or Dad while learning important life skills. When the grandchildren come while Nan is cooking, they really get a kick out of helping to make the rolls, bake the cake or whatever she is doing.

    This is not something to be relegated to the “chore” category.
    Just a thought!

    Love, Dad

  3. If anyone is serious about job charts for their kids and wonder how to structure them and/or the allowance that is involved check out a seminar from James Jones called Lets Fix the Kids. It is on CD (12 of them if I remember right). It is expensive to buy (unless you can find a used one on tape and have a tape player), but most libraries have it. He is WONDERFUL. It is all about teaching kids to be responsible and functioning adults. I love it.

    PS New to your site and LOVE IT. I found it looking for a garden apron. I can’t wait to make yours.

  4. We learned about financial stewardship attending Financial Peace University (Dave Ramsey). Our kids don’t get an “allowance”; they work on commission! Each of my boys has a savings account plus three envelopes at home – SAVE, SPEND & GIVE. They have 4-5 chores to do each day. If they do all of them without complaining, they get a $1 a day (Sundays we do chores without pay because we’re a family and everyone helps out). If they only do some chores or complain about it, we deduct as we see fit. They have the potential to earn $6 a week just doing these chores. They can also earn more if they wish by helping out with miscellaneous things around the house (washing the van, pulling weeds, etc.).
    When I cash a check, I ask for $20 in ones. As I dole it out, they divide it into their envelopes; usually $1 GIVE, $2 SPEND, and $3 SAVE. We’re trying to teach them to save more than they spend. If they only made $3 that week, for whatever reason, they still have to put $1 in the GIVE envelope and then $1.50 for SAVE and $.50 for SPEND.
    At church, they put their GIVE money in the box. When their SAVE envelopes bulge a little, we stop at the bank to make deposits. The tellers at the bank always call them “Mr.” and “sir” which makes my little men beam!

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