Sneaky Cereal Fun

My kids love Honey Nut Cheerios. I don’t. Have you ever read the label? Honey Nut Cheerios is chuck full of of sugar. It only has slightly less sugar than Honeycombs, Lucky Charms or Golden Grahams- all cereals I would…
My kids love Honey Nut Cheerios. I don’t. Have you ever read the label? Honey Nut Cheerios is chuck full of of sugar. It only has slightly less sugar than Honeycombs, Lucky Charms or Golden Grahams- all cereals I would…
When after the Winter alarmin’, The Spring steps in so charmin’, So fresh and arch In the middle of March, Wid her hand St. Patrick’s arm on… ~Alfred Percival Graves Go mbeannai Dia duit Here’s to my favorite lad with…