An act of faith

Learning to produce our own food is essential if we are to ever truly take control of our own lives.  It liberates us from the role of passive consumer, remote from real decisions, alienated from nature. -Primal Seeds

This past weekend, we were finally able to plant our vegetable garden.  Our whole garden is usually planted  no later than May 15 most years.  But the weather this Spring has been unseasonably cool.  More than a few neighbors planted their vegetables, only to have them wiped out by a killing frost.

Ever year as we plant our vegetables, I am struck by what an act of faith it is.  The plants seem so small and helpless in the big space of earth around them.  It’s hard to imagine that they could ever amount to much.

But year after year, most of them surprise me, and provide our family with an abundance of delicious things to eat.  I can almost just taste those garden tomatoes now.


  1. I am always so amazed when I think about how in a tiny span of time, such a small seed can transform into a plant that bears fruit for all to enjoy! Thanks for sharing your garden update.

  2. It’s so true! Every year it feels so hopeful and exciting to start with a clean slate and excitement for things to come. (Mm, lots of Caprese salad with those good tomatoes.) Do you plant your Marigold with the tomatoes as pest control?

  3. I do plant them as pest control throughout my entire garden. The random nature of where they are planted is because the kids plant them… I usually have to move one or two, while the kids aren’t looking, because they are three inches from a Brandywine tomato.

  4. I have total faith in the fact that anything I plant will NOT survive. While I love the results of home grown veggies, I have the blackest thumb ever invented. Love living vicariously through others gardens.

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