I finished my Bee blocks for Sinta. It’s a modern Dresden… destined to be an octagon, with an octagon center. Super fun!
Since you are turning the ruler in alternating directions, you get two blocks from the same pieced strip. I always like when you get a two for one.
I definitely struggled a little with this block at the end. My Dresdens were a bit cone shaped, you can see, one more than the other. I got them to lay more flat with some pressing, but they still aren’t perfect.
Does that mean I need to work on the accuracy of my scant 1/4″? Probably.
A good friend of mine said, don’t worry about it too much, as long as they are smaller than a “C” cup, once quilted you will never know. I hope for Sinta’s sake that is true.
Very Pretty!!!
Do you have a tuitorial on how to make these blocks?
I don’t have a pattern. Here is the information from my Bee partner who assigned the block: http://thebeeskneesaquiltingbee.blogspot.com/2013/03/bees-going-in-circles.html Good luck, Calli