Nervous Nelly

What do you do when you are nervous?

I’ve been cleaning my house frenetically…. and now I’m starting work on a new quilt.

It’s mostly 30’s prints… and I’m loving the colors.  And hoping the work will help to keep me calm.

My Dad is having surgery this morning to have both knees replaced.

This morning when the doctor came in before the surgery my mom gave him this little hand-written note.  When she read it to me, I thought it was so sweet I wrote it down.

Dear Dr. Knees,

I know that you are smart, young, and very good.

Dennis is the love of my life, so do your very best.  I am praying for you.

So break a leg,



  1. coincidentally, I am sitting in the American Fork hospital alongside ,y husband who is waiting for his knee surgery. I’m reading the blogs I follow on my iPad mini as I wait.

    Hope everything turns our well for your Dad.

  2. Been there! I clean like crazy too when I feel my world is out of kilter. The knee surgery is painful, but it will make such a difference in your Dad’s life. My dad’s legs were getting terribly bowed and he was in lots of pain for years. Now he stands up straight and has no more pain. Good luck!

  3. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Keeping busy is a good thing. I love your mother’s note to the doctor.
    God Bless & take care, sylvia.

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