A Playdate for the Food Bank

Yesterday my friend Cherie’ invited my children to her home for an activity.  Cherie’ is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I know.  This year she had a great idea to get the kids into the true Holiday spirit.

The local food bank is really struggling this year because so many people are in need during these tough times.  Cherie’ spoke with a volunteer at our local food bank who mentioned they really need laundry detergent and diapers… along with their constant need for food.

We gathered at her house to help the kids put together Ziplock bags of laundry detergent and diapers, so that the Food Bank can distribute individual portions to families in need.

This was a perfect job for little hands.  Even Cherie’s one year old little guy loved helping.

Lily is packing up 10 diapers per bag.  The Food Bank specifically requested large diapers (size 5).

The kids filled quart size freezer bags with the laundry detergent.

This was a really fun activity, the kids they loved getting together… and they loved doing something nice for someone else.


  1. I just love your blog – so many great ideas! And I just realized that we live in the same state (since you mentioned the Nativity in Utah in an earlier post). I actually just mentioned your snowman kit on my frugal blog. Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out!

  2. Great idea! I’m always newly impressed at the willingness my children have at helping others, engaging in a service project, or being Secret Santas.

    This is what the season is all about: others & service & being more Christ like. Putting the Christ back into Christmas.

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