Finding my Quiet

“ You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.”

– H.D. Thoreau

The other morning I woke up early and went outside to sit on my porch swing.  It was early dawn and the light was soft and cool in the sky.  As I sat still, a pair of Sparrow Hawks soared above my head and to my surprise one landed on my back neighbor’s rooftop, so close to me that I heard his claws make a great clack on the roof as he landed.  I held my breath to see such an amazing creature up so close with his fierce eyes and sharp beak.

My mornings out on the swing are chilly now.  I have to wear a sweatshirt and wrap up in a quilt, but I treasure the moments of quiet that I’ve carved out for myself there.

It’s a time when I can really think.  I love the quote above from Thoreau.  This past year has been hard for my family and me and so often I catch myself waiting for some better/easier part of our life to start.  I have to remind myself that each moment, even the hard ones, are important- either for the lessons to be learned and for the perspective it gives me of all that I really have to be grateful for.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I also woke up early trying to take a deep breath and figure out how to deal with the hard times in life. I needed to hear what you wrote. You are amazing and your words are beautiful. I am so grateful to have such an amazing sister. I love you Calli.

  2. Thank you!!!! This is just what I needed to hear today! My family has been going through a rough patch and unfortunately will be in it for quite a while. I was beginning to get pretty burdened by it until I read your quote by Thoreau. Perfect! It is time to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get going!

    One of my favorite sayings is “Look for what is good and you will find it”. I had forgotten it for a bit, but thanks to you I am once again looking for the good….and there is a lot of good! Thank you for the reminder….

  3. I need mornings like these to quiet my soul and to reflect on the goodness of God’s grace. Years back I received a plaque from my young daughter whan we were going through a very rough time. Today the words still bring comfort. I am including them in this response. Thank you for your words,

    A Few Words of Caring…

    After a while you learn
    that love doesn’t mean leaning,
    that kisses aren’t contracts, and present aren’t promises…
    And you begin to accept defeats
    with your head up and your eyes open,
    With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
    So you plant your own garden
    and decorate your own soul,
    instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
    And you learn that you can endure…
    that you really are strong
    and you really do have worth,
    and that with every new tomorrow
    comes the dawn.

    Unknown Author

  4. Just wanted to say that I truly appreciate your blog. I’m a stranger off in small town Kansas, and even though I’ll probably never know you in ‘real life’ I look forward to your bits of wisdom along with the beautiful work that you share here. Thank you!

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