Gratitude for Nie Nie

(photo from the NieNie Dialogues)

Did you see Stephanie Nielson on Oprah this week?  I’m not much of a daytime television watcher, but when I heard Nie Nie was going to be on Oprah, I set the program to record.  I love reading her blog, NieNie Dialogues.  Stephanie always has a way of helping me see what’s really important in life and of making me feel grateful for all the small, lovely moments.

Wednesday night, my husband and I watched the program.  For those of you who don’t know her, she has been a popular blogger for quite some time.  Then, just over a year ago she and her husband were in a plane crash which left her burned over 80 percent of her body.  Watching her on Oprah was an experience that left me choked up, and very thoughtful.  She talks about her joy in being able to make lunch for her kids in the morning, or give them a bath… those little things she almost missed being able to do.

And it made me think about the times I am impatient with my kids, or unappreciative of my husband.  Stephanie’s story reminds me that life is so precious, and that it’s the little things that really matter.

I am also amazed at her strength and courage.  How many of us would like to hide away from the world if we experienced disfiguring injuries?  How many of us would use the incredible pain as an excuse not to get out of bed?

Instead she is out there… being both honest about her fears and her pain, yet funny and irrepressibly optimistic.  And in the process, inspiring me… and I am sure, many, many others.  So If you ever read this, thank you Stephanie from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I have found myself being so much more patient with my kids and enjoying the simple tasks of taking care of my home after watching Nie Nie this week. And I loved how they commented on the love between Nie and Christian. Their relationship is a magical love story in the best sense of romance.

  2. couldn’t agree more. my mom had been talking about her blog for sometime now. after having seen her on oprah last week I follow now. just today I was thinking how its not fair of me to complain about any housework I have to do because…its easy for me to do it and for that I am blessed. Nie Nie is awesome and absolutely inspiring-

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