You Never Know

I guess you never know what your day will hold when you wake up on a Wednesday morning.

Last Wednesday started for me with the hope that I was finally rounding the corner on my flu-like symptoms.  Little did I know I was going to wind up in the hospital.

I had a stomachache that had bothered me all night, but I thought it was from the cough medicine.  I really hate cough medicine.  Anyway, I got the kids off to school and made cookies for a school function.  I had just started clearing away the dishes from the cookies when my stomachache took a turn for the worse.

Before I knew it, I was on my back on the floor of the bathroom wondering how I was going to get to a phone to call for help.   The pain was incredible.  After a few minutes I turned and crawled to the phone.

Instead of calling 911, I called my husband.  He must have driven 90 miles an hour home because moments later he was loading me into the car and racing me to the nearest emergency room.

It was appendicitis.

I’ve been through natural childbirth and, unless my memory has failed, this was worse.  I won’t soon forget the pain.

Thank heavens for modern medicine.  After two doses of morphine I had relief from the pain.  And then I was wheeled into the operating room for surgery.  Bye, bye appendix.  I hope I didn’t need you.

The recovery has been harder than I thought.  I am usually healthy and strong.  Maybe because I was already sick and a bit run-down, maybe because I’ve had a bad cough… not fun with incisions, but I’ve been slow to bounce back.  I’ve been sleeping a lot and trying to mend.

So there’s my tale.

I’m sad I didn’t get to share my Easter dishtowel tutorial.  I never made my girls’ Easter dresses.  I didn’t share a delicious recipe for orange rolls.  I didn’t even make or buy one thing for the kids Easter baskets.  (Thank you Dear for making Easter special.)

I’m counting my blessings though… I’m happy I live now, and not a hundred years ago.  I am so grateful for my husband who has taken care of my every need.  Thanks Mom, for cleaning my house and keeping me company!  Thanks to the rest of my family for the meals and the love.  I am grateful to all my friends who have sent food, Gas-X, flowers and well wishes.

I hope to be back to to posting as usual sometime this week.


  1. Oh my, Calli, I can relate. The same thing happened to me while we were stationed on Okinawa,Japan, so I feel your pain….not fun and nothing you would wish on anybody. I am sure your dish towels are awesome and I would love to see them anyhow, but not until you are feeling much better,and those dresses looked amazing on your girls I am sure!!! I prayt hat you will recover quickly. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  2. Wow, Calli, I’m so glad you are ok. Sounds like a bit of trauma, but glad you’ve been taken care of! You are lucky to have family close. Did it rupture? Would love to still see the Easter dishtowel!:)

  3. I’m so sorry! I hope you recover soon. I’m looking forward to your next blog updates, but take a break until you feel better! Surgery is not fun to recover from… hang in there!

  4. So glad u are doing ok and glad ur family is taking such good care of you :-) Take ur time and rest and don’t rush the recovery. You will be back on ur feet soon enough. And don’t worry about all the things u missed – your family is probably just so glad that you are ok!! There’s always next Easter. And a recipe for orange rolls is always welcome anytime, whenever u r back ;-) Take care and hang in there.

  5. Oh my goodness, what a frightening experience. I’m so glad you got the medical attention you needed. Be gentle with yourself and rest. You’ll get better soon!


  6. What amazes me is that you could make cookies and do things just a short time before surgery! That says a lot about you. Get better. I can only imagine the horror.

  7. Glad you’re on the mend. Amazing how grateful we become for our good health when it leaves us for a bit, isn’t it? Take it easy and listen to your body and rest, rest, rest.

  8. oh my gosh. how awful. I had my appendix out in third grade and STILL remember the pain I went through. Glad they figured it out and you are doing better.
    And… as far as actually needing it, I’ve gone this long and I am fine!!! ha.
    Can’t wait to hear more of your fun ideas!

  9. Yes thank God for modern medicine. Glad you are on the mend. My little 4 year old had the same thing happen about 11 months ago. Our little hospital misdiagosed it as a bladder infection so she suffered for two days before her Ped came in on Monday (he was off that weekend or I think we would have known sooner!) and diagnosed Appendicitis. We had to have her rushed to Riley Children’s hospital where she had the surgery and spent to more days in the hospital. Another day and she would have been gone, it was bad. But as you know, kids heal quickly and she was running and riding a bike 5 days after surgery. I know us adults don’t heal as quickly, but I wish you super fast healing! In the mean while, catch up on some books and or crafts you have been wanting to read/do but didn’t have time!!

  10. Dear Calli
    So sorry to hear about your ordeal, but thank God you are doing better and well taking care off. I miss your post but I’m sure you will make it up to us LOL
    Get well soon.
    Cristina Pudwell
    Covington, GA

  11. Glad you are on the mend. My blog reading has not been the same without you. My husband had a kidney stone lately. I think it was a similar experience except no surgery. Just take your time healing. God bless.

  12. Oh Calli, sounds awful! I’m so glad you are okay. I hope you mend quickly. When you’re up to eating something, maybe I could bring you Barbacoa? That’s probably the last thing you need right now. :) Lots of love and best wishes!

    (Now you will have a memorable Easter! I had E. Coli one year at Thanksgiving and every Tgiving I am thankful not to be having that experience again!)

  13. I am so sorry that you have been so sick Calli! I hope that you can get some much needed rest and continue to heal and recover. We are thinking of you!!!

  14. Glad you are (slowly) getting better. Take care of yourself and rest. I’ve been there with appendicitis and it is awful – at least the worst is behind you now. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

  15. […] I started it several years ago, but never finished it or the tutorial I was going to make with it, because I ended up getting what I thought was the flu and then having unexpected surgery. […]

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