I meant to get started over the weekend on my list of holiday projects. I really meant to.
But instead I ate too much pie. I played too many games. I watched too many movies. I generally laid about.
I don’t regret it for a single second.
But now that its Monday, here’s a few of the projects I am hoping will get done:
See that adorable Land of Nod Lotsa Dots Tree Skirt? Well I don’t need a tree skirt, but I was thinking it’s the perfect look for a runner for my kitchen table. My table is an oval… so I would make the runner in an oval shape too. I’m wishing I had an AccuQuilt for all those circles… but I’ve cut circles before with a trusty cup for a template, freezer paper, and a good pair of scissors… I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.

Land of Nod for inspiration again… I have been looking for a fun way to display our holiday cards. So when I saw the Holiday Work of Art Clips in my LON catalog, it seemed like it could be just the ticket. The Land of Nod version isn’t terribly expensive… but I think I can have a lot of fun making one and for less $$ too.
This week I am hoping to finish up some of my Christmas gifts. I am also hoping to get on the stick and get my Christmas cards done. I was a slacker and never even sent them last year.
I am wishing I had time to make the Hour Glass Quilt from Amy Smart at Diary of a Quilter. I would love to make it all in reds, tans, and white, just like she did. Somehow I don’t think a quilt will get done this week… but a girl can dream.
I’ve also been working on putting together our annual Christmas calendar. The actual calendar isn’t too fancy, but it’s a great way to keep track of all the fun activities for our family during the month. I put everything on the calendar from watching the Grinch, to going to a live Nativity, to building our gingerbread houses….
and speaking of fun activities…. we are kicking off our holiday calendar fun tonight with:
We are going with my husband’s whole family and I can hardly wait. It won’t be Radio City Music Hall… but it will hopefully still be amazing.
I have one of these for cutting circles, a lot cheaper than an accuquilt and easy to find at Joann: http://www.amazon.com/1057028-CMP-3-Rotary-Circle-Cutter/dp/B001CEAMCY
There is a little learning curve though, don’t be frustrated with it at first!
Oh I love Land of Nod! I pulled out the page with the Christmas Stockings! I’m going to try to make them this year.
That tree skirt would not be too hard to make at all!
That tree skirt is too cute! I did a post on an artwork line forever ago that uses wire (~18 gauge) I still have it in my family room and get a ton of compliments. I like the stiffness of the wire for holding things. (And it was less than $5 dollars to make!) Here’s a link: http://www.leapintoart.com/200704/mom-project-artwork-line/
I have an accuquilt.. you can use! Let you mom know and she can always borrow it for your projects! Love reading your Blog!
You will love the Rockettes. We saw them at Epcot in Orlando one summer and they were great!