Sign of Spring

They say timing is everything.

This tiny crocus knew what it was doing when it chose to be one of the first flowers of spring.  If it bloomed during the summer it would be totally overlooked.  But blooming in March, when all around is drab and brown, the crocus simply warms my heart.  It seems to say, “Hurray!  Spring is on it’s way!”

It also says to me:

  • Rake out the flower beds.
  • Sweep out all of the dirt and gravel from the garage.
  • Clean the windows.
  • Eat some strawberries.
  • Plant some peas!

Welcome, wild harbinger of spring!
To this small nook of earth;
Feeling and fancy fondly cling
Round thoughts which owe their birth
To thee, and to the humble spot
Where chance has fixed thy lowly lot.

– Bernard Barton, To a Crocus


  1. Thanks, Calli, for the gardening tips…I didn’t know that the flower beds should be raked in spring. It makes perfect sense, but I’m a beginner, so I need those kinds of pointers!

  2. Your crocus is a little farther along than mine. I noticed mine this afternoon and got all excited that probably tomorrow I’ll be able to take a picture of mine. I certainly feel the same way when I see my crocus’, we’re finally leaving winter behind!

  3. I love the spring flowers! Check out my blog.. to see what we are doing for the giveaway.. (4 patterns and a surprise).. please help me.. I am not getting too many comments.
    Thanks.. love reading your blog.

  4. Thanks for the crocus alert. I need to go outside and see if anything is peeking out. Today is gray and chilly, dreary again, so even a hint of spring would be welcome at my house.

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