It’s been a super busy week, but I’ve still found time to work on some great new projects….
The owl above is a little sneak peak. It’s from my new overnight bag pattern… The Night Owl Pattern Set. I can hardly wait to get the pattern finished… slumber party anyone?
I’ve also been working on a new tutorial for a new Rise and Shine Dish Towel that I will share next week.
And last but not least… it’s all about zig zags tomorrow on Ucreate where I’m sharing a tutorial for a wonderful zig zag pillow.. be sure to visit me there.
I LOVE that little owl overnight bag. What a fabulous idea!!
Just found your blog and so glad i did!!
Love that sweet little Owly too!:)
Enjoy the day
Super love the owl!! I’ve always been partial to owls…when my now three year old was born she had a head full of hair and on each side of her head she had these tufts of hair that would NOT lay down they stuck up like a hoot owls ears so that was her and still is her nickname Hoot TFS!
I am so glad I found your website. You are amazing! I need to be frugal and really appreciate the great ideas you freely give and that you don’t believe in wasting or spending big.
Thank You,
Dorothy Rubalcaba
I absolutely love the little Owl on the overnight bag. I think he’d make an adorable childrens bag all by his self!