Make it Do- Spooky Silhouettes


Two sheets of thin black poster board is all you need to create a spooky display this Halloween.

I got this clever idea from Martha Stewart.  I simply sketched a witch with a white colored pencil to the back side of the poster board.  She is so tall, I had to tape two pieces of poster board together.  Then I cut it out and stuck my spooky witch to my front window with double stick tape.  When a small light is on in the living room, she takes on a wonderful glow.

mice silhouette
Photograph from Martha Stewart

I thought the idea was so easy and fun, I used this mice template to cut out mice silhouettes then pasted them in my glass of my kitchen dish cupboard.  I love to see unsuspecting visitors do a double take.

Both projects cost me around a dollar. And they were fun… kinda like craft time in elementary school.

One thing is for sure, It doesn’t have to cost much to make it a frightful Halloween.


  1. I just came across your blog the other day…and LOVE it! All of your ideas are darling. I followed your suggestion last night…we made caramel apples and watched Mr. Toad and Ichabod. Thank you for the great idea!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH, I’ve been searching to find somewhere that those mouse cutouts were still available, but they seem to be sold out wherever I look online, and they’re not at my Michael’s anymore either. I had no idea Martha had the templates on her website to make your own.

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